Introduction Paragraph udiggggg :)

Many people have different opinions when it comes to airport security.In 2017, 3,324 (84 percent) of the total firearms discovered were loaded. Could you imagine what could happen if airport Security didn’t confiscate those firearms. Some believe that there should be more protocols added, while others think that that the some of the protocols now are unnecessary. There could be many possible outcomes if airport security does not follow their protocol when it comes to checking passengers’ baggage. It only takes one insane person to make a risk and hurt many of innocent people. Airport security is rigorous and detailed about what can be allowed to be brought into the plane. They prevent illegal drugs, terror threats, and human trafficking from entering the United States. Even though TSA officers are highly trained, Drug Traffickers still find a way to smuggle drugs through airport security. If the airport security were not doing its job of checking passengers and their baggage, then this would allow many dangerous people to board an airplane leaving many of innocent people at high risk. Since 9/11, the most significant terror attack done to the United States on its soil, airport security has changed dramatically.  The TSA has many employees that are in charge of detecting any signs of possible harms working every day.  Many passengers complain that airport security line is too long and the new systems are unnecessary. These kinds of travelers do not comprehend the importance of security.  Airport security prevents the entrance of drug trafficking, and human trafficking, terroristic threats from coming into the United States.


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