Critical Response

The writer's general subject is whether or not violence is good or bad for a developing child. The purpose of the writer's argument is to show the benefits of exposing your children to violent content. The writer's position is that violence helps mold a child into an individual who can control their rage better, and can even help them to be well rounded individuals.

The writer uses opinions more than fact to prove his point. He uses self-experience to explain his plight. The evidence the writer presents is usage of Melanie Moore P.h.D. from Standford University to back up his claims and his own account of personal experiences. Personal experiences have an impact on convincing somebody that violent media is good for kids ,but cant persuade somebody all the way. He needs to find stronger and more convincing sources that violent media helps kids. It would help the audience understand where he's coming from and make it more relatable.

The example of the two girls that Gerald Jones talks about is still a doubt. We don't know if that is true or not. We just have to trust him and take his word for it. That not enough to persuade the audience that violent is helpful for the kids. I for sure don't think the media covers these violent acts fairly. Some aren't even covered at all. The media and the government hide many things from us citizens. The images used by the media are designed for us to believe it and not think about the other side of the story. They try to blind us of the truth. Which can also be very bad, cause we deserve to know the truth and the whole story on any violent disaster.


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